About the Author
Adrienne Gessler

Adrienne Gessler

Adrienne Gessler is a consultant for Keyhole Software with 8 years of experience in the wild and crazy world of IT and a primary focus on Java/Java EE development. Recently she has been working with rich user interfaces in JavaScript and is always excited by changes in technology and what those changes can bring to the dev community & her clients. Outside of software, Adrienne loves reading, running, concerts, and generally going about her weird life.

Progressive Web Apps: The Service Worker Demystified

Adrienne Gessler Articles, JavaScript 4 Comments

You can’t read any technology trend news for the upcoming year without reading about Progressive Web Applications (PWA). PWA offers the ability to add native-like capabilities to your web application.

One of the core technologies of a PWA is the service worker, so I thought I would take us through a question and answer session on service workers. Service workers have been around for a while now, but the momentum in their use has picked up with the popularity of PWA. My goal here is for you to be able to understand what a service worker is, what you can do with it, and the limitations of a service worker.

Improving Performance in React Applications

Adrienne Gessler Articles, Design, JavaScript, React 2 Comments

Let’s say you’ve stepped into a React application to make some updates or been involved in building one yourself. You have been at it a while, and feel somewhat comfortable using React, you understand React’s lifecycle and you may be using React libraries like Redux or MobX to some extent.

As with any technology, you start to notice that a few of the pages are looking a little slow. You know performance tuning too early is often a bad idea, but you feel like you might be at that point. After all, in your experience, end users notice even small lags and no one wants that. So what do you do now?

In this blog, I introduce six tips for improving performance and design in your React application.


Anatomy Of Setting Up An Elasticsearch N-Gram Word Analyzer

Adrienne Gessler Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Java 6 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 9 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.To say that n-grams are a massive topic would be an understatement. Do a quick search and you will find yourself staring down volumes of information on linguistics and language models, on …

Notes On JavaScript Prototypal Inheritance

Adrienne Gessler Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, JavaScript 6 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.I’ve recently been working a lot with JavaScript (specifically, Backbone with Marionette) after many years of working predominantly with Java. When I start something that is a little different for me, it …