Cobol Modernization with Spring Batch Header Image of Mainframe Racks

White Paper: COBOL Modernization Strategy with Spring Batch

Keyhole Software COBOL, Development Technologies, Java, Modernization, Spring Batch Leave a Comment

The Keyhole team is proud to announce the publishing of a new, free white paper: COBOL Modernization Strategy with Spring Batch

This strategy positions Spring Batch as an irresistible proposition for organizations ready to bid farewell to their COBOL legacy. Keyhole Software offers guiding principles for COBOL modernization, with a comprehensive guide based on tangible experience for enterprises navigating the realm of COBOL modernization. 

COBOL: The Language that Won't Die

COBOL: The Language That Won’t Die

Kevin Roper COBOL 1 Comment

This post contains an introduction to and demo of the mythical language that every programmer seems to know about but doesn’t really know: COBOL.

By learning about COBOL, you learn about basic concepts in computing in general, and how all of these languages are really doing a lot of the same activities underneath.

-Everything old is new again – Stephen King, The Colorado Kid

Cobol to Java

Adventures In Modernization: Strategy + Example Converting COBOL To Java

Dallas Monson COBOL, Consulting, Development Technologies, DevOps, Java, Keyhole Creations, Modernization, Programming, Tutorial Leave a Comment

We have consultants who specialize in moving old to new, renovating dilapidated code bases, and designing brighter futures for enterprises who have been vendor-locked for most of their existence. We have come across some repeated patterns and strategies for how to approach modernization of legacy systems. In this blog, we will cover a strategy that is very popular right now, Re-Platforming.

The basic flow of this post will be:

Introduction to Modernization
High-level definition of the Re-Platforming Strategy for Modernization
Sample of Re-Platforming using Keyhole Syntax Tree Transformer, COBOL –> Java
Additional thoughts on the value/risk of this strategy

Let’s get started…

Introducing Spring Batch, Part One

Jonny Hackett Development Technologies, Intro to Spring Batch Series, Java, Spring, Spring Batch, Tutorial 12 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 12 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Have you ever heard someone say “Man I wish we had a toy like that when I was a kid! That would have been awesome!” For me, that’s usually when I’m wrapping …

Build vs. Buy, Creating a Report Writing Framework

David Pitt Consulting, Java, Keyhole Creations 2 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 13 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.During one of my engagements, a requirement arose for the production of numerous financial audit reports in PDF format. These reports currently existed and were being produced by COBOL applications, and since …