Diving Deeper Into Reporting Tools with Power BI Part 1

Power BI: Diving Deeper into Reporting Tools (Part 1) Connecting Your Data

Caven Andersen Data Management, Development Technologies, PowerBI Leave a Comment

In today’s data-driven world, organizations have access to vast amounts of data, but how exactly do you interpret those millions of rows of data? This is where data visualization comes into play, transforming complex data sets into easily understandable visuals. Data visualization is, without a doubt, one of the most important aspects of Business Intelligence (BI).

In one of my previous blogs, I talked about BI and why it is important for a company to practice and implement this in their workspace. Now, in this blog series, we are going to dive deeper into a data visualization tool called Power BI.

Data Science

Predicting River Flow with a Supervised Learning Time Series Model

Alex Lagge Data Science, Machine Learning 1 Comment

In this blog, we will build a flow rate prediction algorithm for the Norfork River in Arkansas. Both farmers and recreationists are heavily dependent on the flow rate of the river. As the river flows faster, the risk of flooding increases and flooding can destroy crops for farmers and ruin vacations for tourists.

My goal with this flow rate prediction algorithm was to give a better idea of what the next 4 days of river flow will look like. Below, I will discuss the data science process that I underwent to make these predictions.

Painless Data Fetching With react-query

Haaris Chaudhry Development Technologies, React, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 4 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Hey everyone, my name is Haaris Chaudhry, and I’m a developer at Keyhole Software. Let me tell you about react-query! In this blog, I’m going to give a quick introduction to a …

Solid: A New Web Standard Allowing People to Control Their Own Data

Rik Scarborough Development Technologies, Programming, Security Leave a Comment

This post contains a recap of my research into the subject and an exploration of Sir Tim’s so-called new Internet – a technology called Solid. We’ll start by exploring what Solid is, and then we’ll talk about its purposes and how to use it. It’s a pretty cool technology!

So, let’s dive in. What exactly has Sir Tim Berners-Lee created?

Getting Started with Azure Data Studio

Todd Horn Azure, Cloud, Databases, Dev Methodologies, Development Technologies, DevOps Leave a Comment

On my last two projects, I decided to give Azure Data Studio a try to see how it measured up to SSMS. Azure Data Studio gives you a more modern editor experience. It’s comparable to Visual Studio Code with IntelliSense, source control with GIT, and an integrated terminal for Powershell or SQLMD commands.

Azure Data Studio was built with a data platform user in mind, and its easy editing and export options, built-in charting of query results, and customizable dashboards make it an incredibly valuable tool.

In this post, I’ll go over some of the basics of how to use Azure Data Studio.