New Flutter Mobile App: Guide Diary

KeyholeSoftware.Dev Releases Mobile KHS Guide Diary App

Keyhole Software Company News, Flutter, Keyhole Creations, Mobile Leave a Comment

The team is proud to announce the release of a new mobile application, KHS Guide Diary, a cross-platform Flutter app that enables documentation of fishing trips.

KHS Guide Driay app enables precise documentation of fishing trips by recording images, trip descriptions, environmental conditions, and any income and expenses associated with the trip. KHS Guide Diary allows users’ trips to be viewed, sorted, and searched from the main listing page. Trip information can also be downloaded and shared on social media.

Automating Flutter Deployments: Part 2 – Screenshots

Rachel Walker Development Technologies, Flutter Leave a Comment

Recently, I worked on automating some internal processes for building and releasing Flutter applications. Part of this work has involved integrating integration test runs and screenshots as part of the release and deployment process.

I wanted to be able to use the same set of tests to validate our code on Android and iOS devices without having to write large amounts of platform-specific code or configuration. These tests needed to be able to integrate with Fastlane, so they can be utilized by CI/CD. Specifically, this restricted setup runs using command line tools with no manual steps in Xcode or Android Studio, aside project level configuration.

This blog is Part 2 of a three-part series exploring automating Flutter CI/CD on CircleCI. Part 1 covered setting up Fastlane to build and deploy applications locally, this post outlines automating screenshot capture and test runs, and part 3 discusses configuring CircleCI to automate these processes.

Automating Flutter Deployments: Part 1 – Fastlane Configuration

Rachel Walker Development Technologies, Flutter, Tutorial Leave a Comment

This blog is Part 1 of a three-part series exploring automating Flutter CI/CD on CircleCI. This post covers setting Fastlane to build and deploy applications, Part 2 will outline automating screenshot capture and test runs, and Part 3 will discuss configuring CircleCI to automate these processes.

The documentation for configuring Fastlane for Flutter is fairly comprehensive, however now that I have done it once, there are some things I wish I had known. As mentioned, this blog post will go through the steps for setting up Fastlane to run locally and provide some advice and resources for structuring the setup to easily migrate to a CI/CD platform.

Improving iOS/Android Numeric Keyboards With KeyboardActions

Flutter: Using Keyboard Actions To Improve Mobile User Experience

Ryan LaRue Design, Development Technologies, Flutter, Mobile, UI/UX 1 Comment

This post covers three options for customizing an iOS or Android keyboard in a Flutter mobile application, with a code walkthrough of using the Keyboard Actions package to easily add keyboard features that increase user efficiency.

Mobile app developers, have you ever noticed that the native iOS numeric keyboard does not include certain features that might be helpful? For example, a Done button? Or how about arrow buttons to traverse form fields? To jog your memory, here’s what the native iOS numeric keyboard looks like…