What is Business Intelligence (BI)?

Caven Andersen Business Intelligence (BI), Development Technologies, PowerBI, Tableau Leave a Comment

I’m sure you’ve come across the term “Business Intelligence” or “BI” in your workplace or on LinkedIn. It’s remarkable how many people are now embracing the advantages it offers for making better business decisions, making data more accessible and comprehensible, and much more.

One of the primary objectives of BI is to enable companies to make informed, data-driven decisions by following a multi-step process. This process encompasses data collection through ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), data analysis, data visualization, and the subsequent presentation of findings to key decision-makers within the organization. These tasks are accomplished using BI tools and various programming languages, which are employed to access and analyze extensive datasets. The results are then presented in reports that incorporate charts, graphs, maps, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for a detailed overview of the business’s performance.

GINQ for the win

Using Groovy 4: GINQ for the Win

Rik Scarborough Development Technologies, Groovy, Java, Programming 4 Comments

In my last blog post Back in the Groovy 4, I briefly mentioned Groovy-Integrated Query (GINQ). I’ve been wanting to write about how I would use this new feature, and I decided to take this opportunity to do so.

In this post, I will be describing two examples in which I used GINQ. The first requirement I faced on a recent project of mine and demonstrating how I used GINQ to fulfill it. A quick disclaimer: this is not a tutorial on GINQ. This blog is merely a discussion of how I’ve used GINQ and how I plan on making it part of my toolkit.

Native MongoDB to Sequelize with PostgreSQL

Native MongoDB to Sequelize with PostgreSQL

John Boardman Databases, Heroku, MongoDB, PostgreSQL Leave a Comment

Every long-term project will outlive at least some of the technologies it was originally built with. For example, a project I have been involved with recently ran into this situation. The app is hosted on Heroku, and over the years, the available MongoDB add-ons have changed and dwindled until now, there is only one.

Several migrations between MongoDB add-ons have already happened because of shutdowns. So, it was decided that rather than migrating to the last one still in existence, the project would switch to using PostgreSQL, which is supported directly by the Heroku team.

Large Datasets with Spring Batch

Utilizing Spring Batch for Large Dataset Summarization

Clayton Neff Databases, Java, Spring, Spring Batch Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 4 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.I was recently tasked with summarizing the data of a several-million-row table, and the task proved to be a bit grueling at first. Eventually, I found a way to summarize the large …