Responsive Design

Responsive DesignEnterprises are feeling the pressure of the need to develop applications that allow users to use their own devices to access enterprise applications.

What options do enterprises have to solve this problem? If an organization has one homogenous device, then native, non-browser applications could be an option. But most enterprises would have to develop capabilities in multiple mobile platforms (for example, Android, iPhone, and Blackberry), which is both expensive and time consuming.

Enterprise Single Page Applications (SPA) offer a more realistic solution by employing responsive design for user interface implementation. This tutorial will describe what it is and how a responsive user interface can be implemented with HTML5 and CSS3.

This tutorial covers:

  • Responsive design in the enterprise
  • Mobile first or one-size-fits-all
  • How responsive design works
  • Responsive design frameworks
  • Bootstrap.js, a responsive design framework
  • Responsive UI layout ideas

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