Getting Started
with JHipster
This learning series takes an in-depth look at a powerful tool: JHipster. Much like the Ruby on Rails (or Grails) approach, JHipster allows you to get your applications up and running quickly and efficiently. This collection of blog posts discusses the pros and cons of the monolithic approach, walks you through the process of settin up a microservices architecture using JHipster, and finally, gives tips and tricks to help you get up to speed.
Part One
We give an overview and define the basics of JHipster. Then, we dive into the series by first discussing taking the tried-and-true monolithic route.
Part Two
This post veers off the beaten path of monoliths and walks you through creating a microservice app with JHipster. Strap in, this gets intense.
Part Three
We share tips and tricks to help make your "getting-up-to-speed" process with JHipster faster. These "gotchas" are bound make development much easier.
Additional Resources
For more helpful recourses on Java tools, we encourage you to check out our other blogs on the subject, all written by Keyhole's team of consultants.