Client: One of the largest nonprofit health care organizations in the United States
Development Category: Modernization
Services Performed: Technical Strategy, Application Development, Technical Mentoring, Stability Improvement
The ultimate goal of this project was to improve the stability of the application suite as the organization made the transition to a Microservices-style platform. Keyhole consultants assisted with the migration from a monolithic application architecture to a Microservices style that broke up application functionality into smaller runtime elements that could be tested and deployed separately.
Particularly, Keyhole consultants introduced Hystrix into the three main pieces of the application to help identify issues that have caused instability, preventing those failures from taking down the system. They also piloted the use of Spring Boot to break apart the application and solve client pain points. By breaking up the application into smaller pieces and using Spring Boot, it allowed for vastly improved developer productivity in addition to the introduction of Eureka, Turbine, Feign clients. These were used to resolve issues caused by the required OS architecture and JNI libraries.
Additionally, Keyhole consultants performed a Java 6 to Java 8 upgrade across all parts of application, and piloted the Glassfish 4 / Java 8 upgrade using Docker images.