Wind Energy Storage App – .NET Enhancement

Lauren Fournier .NET, Angular, Application Enhancement, C#, JavaScript Leave a Comment

Our team of Keyhole Consultants played a pivotal role in advancing the wind energy sector by providing steadfast support for projects in wind, solar, and energy storage. One of our notable contributions involved a comprehensive overhaul of a website, where our expertise spanned the user interface, API, and database aspects of the application. The project’s success was reflected not only …

Proof-of-Concept: Hospital Call Center App with C# and Web API

Keyhole Software .NET, JavaScript, Proof-of-Concept

A team of Keyhole Software consultants worked with one of the largest healthcare providers on the east coast to develop a proof-of-concept application for the network’s call center.

The proof-of-concept was for an application that displayed a list of the call center’s patient calls. The goal was to create a web user interface that used the Kendo Grid for displaying a list of calls and integrated well with the client’s business process management (BPM) service.

The application interfaced with the client’s BPM service responsible for creating and managing the lifecycle of calls. The finished application allowed a user to search from a list of available calls, choose a patient to call, indicate the call has started, and then complete the call with some information.

Development: .NET Web API Cost Analysis App with Angular

Keyhole Software .NET, Angular, JavaScript, New Development

Keyhole Consultants worked with a team of client business managers and developers to develop an internal client application that focused on bi-reporting, cost analysis, and price forecasting for connecting wind, solar, and fossil fuel projects to the United States power grid.

The goal of the project was to take data that was strewn around the company and create one system of record that the company could use to forecast if current and future projects were going to be profitable. This custom application synchronized 150 employees across five different departments.

Development: Complex Data Rules & Services

Keyhole Software .NET, New Development

A three-person Keyhole Consulting team worked to produce several integral services in an SOA environment. Project involves extensive work with C#, Entity Framework (Code First), Web API, SQL Server 2014, Unity (DI), and Moq.

Members of the Keyhole team were told on several occasions that members of congress rarely ask about the status of specific projects, but this one was often asked about by name at the high levels of concern. The project was a success.