Project Overview
Keyhole Consultants worked with a team of client business managers and developers to develop an internal client application that focused on bi-reporting, cost analysis, and price forecasting for connecting wind, solar, and fossil fuel projects to the United States power grid.
The goal of the project was to take data that was strewn around the company and create one system of record that the company could use to forecast if current and future projects were going to be profitable. This custom application synchronized 150 employees across five different departments.
Technology Overview
The applications utilized Angular to interface with .NET backend that integrated with Azure Active Directory and Sharepoint. Most consultants worked with MSSQL Server database, NET 4.5 backend, and AngularJS single-page application.
Consulting Areas Of Note
Keyhole Consultants created and maintained an ASP.NET Web API application, including system design and stored procedures for the SQL Server database. They were responsible for setting up a CI/CD system with Bitbucket, Jenkins, and Octopus Deploy. Azure Active Directory was integrated into the entire architecture.
On the back-end, Consultants worked with a team of developers to focus on cleaning and migrating away from a stored procedure-based data access layer. They chose to move toward a modern implementation of an object-relational mapping framework using Entity Framework.
Consultants created a unit test coverage framework with the goal of having 100% of the applications API tested. These tests were driven in part by utilizing business rules written using Cucumber and implemented with the Nunit test framework.
Consultants worked on the AngularJS framework and added additional functionality throughout a multitude of pages. The application supported ECMAScript 6 syntax and was highly modular in design.