Video Series: Developing SPAs with the ExtJS Framework

Below is a five-part tutorial series on developing single page applications using the ExtJS framework. An introduction to single page application architecture, SPA class definitions, and Chrome Developer Tools are focused on.

Part 1

What a single page application is, what its architecture looks like, and how a SPA can be implemented using the ExtJS framework.

Part 2

What a single page application looks like and how we can code ExtJS to create a one. We also provide an introduction to our simple SPA example discussed in this series.

Part 3

We dive into the code that is used to generate our simple SPA example.

Part 4

We conclude the simple example by finishing out the class definitions.

Part 5

Basic debugging techniques in the Chrome developer tools to help develop single page applications.

Related Keyhole Software Services

Keyhole Software offers technical courses and mentoring programs for companies of all sizes. Our team’s real world, hands-on experience is translated into your custom coursework. See some of our technical courses here. Also, view another (free) Keyhole Software ExtJS video tutorial series here.