Dockerizing an MSSQL Server (header image)

Dockerizing an MSSQL Server: Unlocking Flexibility

Alex Cassells Databases, Development Technologies, Docker, SQL, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Docker is a pretty magical tool that streamlines server and environment setup while helping to eliminate the operating system and software version variables. It’s one of the best ways to mitigate the classic ‘Works on my machine!’ obstacle many developers run into when sharing or promoting their code.

When a lot of people think of Docker, the last thing they think of is Microsoft or Windows. It took many years for Docker to even officially support Windows. As a .NET developer, I always wanted the stability that Docker offers, and today, I can have it. In the post below, I’ll dive into how to dockerize an MSSQL Server.

Unlock the Power of Collapsible Text in Flutter

Flutter Essentials: Strategies for Collapsible Text in Flutter

Rachel Walker Development Technologies, Flutter, Mobile, Tutorial 1 Comment

As a mobile developer, I have had to create a lot of listing pages. The content, styling, and layout may all differ, but structurally, they are the same. When I first started using Flutter, I was immediately impressed by how fast they are to stand up. Nearly out of the box, the ListView and the Card work extremely well and support a wide variety of devices and use cases with no additional styling – all while remaining extensible.

With this in mind, when I needed to create a listing page that displayed variable lengths of pre-generated text that could be expanded and collapsed, I was not particularly concerned about the complexity of the task. However, I very quickly realized that Flutter is less optimized for handling large blocks of text than it is for displaying lists. I quickly encountered unexpected complexities that I had to manually account for. In this post, I’ll walk through the basic structure and explore which components can be used for solving this problem and creating collapsible text in Flutter.

JavaScript Monorepos in 2024: Legit or Sus?

JavaScript Monorepos in 2024: Legit or Sus?

Zach Gardner Development Technologies, JavaScript, Programming, Tutorial 2 Comments

I’ve been developing JavaScript through all of the major existential changes we’ve had. Browser wars? I remember those. Trying to make a complex application before Firebug? Oh yeah, tell me about it. Having to roll my own AJAX request by hand? Vividly remember.

Something that I experienced in all of my large JS projects before the last few years was an eventual point of no return, a metaphorical event horizon, beyond which the amount of time it took to build the code locally as well as on the CI/CD system was just simply too long.

All projects start fine, but as they grow and evolve and change over time, the amount of build time seems to creep up until it becomes inimical to deploying and testing changes in any reasonable time frame. Further, it becomes very difficult to onboard new developers as any change they make is not isolated, and must take into account all of the other code in the app. Granted, frameworks and libraries like React do help to some extent, but there are no clean-cut boundaries on the source code with different features, it always had to be by convention.

It was during a project a few years ago that I finally put my foot down and decided that something needed to be done. Researching how other architects were doing it, I came across JavaScript monorepos. I was familiar with the concept of monorepos from my research on how Google structures their code base (they have to repos, one for YouTube and one for everything else, no joke), but had never thought to apply that same principle to JavaScript. So I dove in head first, made a lot of mistakes, iterated, and finally got to a place where I feel comfortable sharing my lessons learned.

This blog post is not an extensive study, but it is enough to get you interested in a way to solve two common problems we all have (i.e. sluggish build times and inability to effectively onboard new devs due to lack of feature separation), and give you enough of a context around how I approached the problem to determine how you should proceed.

LDAP Server on AWS

Setting Up an LDAP Server Instance on AWS

Luke Zeisset AWS, Development Technologies, Programming, Tutorial Leave a Comment

This blog describes the basics of what it takes to get an existing LDAP server moved from the PV virtualization type to HVM. I encountered this situation personally while working for a client earlier this year. Efforts have been made to keep most of it generic enough to be useful for other situations involving system upgrades or replacements as well.

Harnessing the Javascript Spread Operator

Alex Cassells Development Technologies, JavaScript, Tutorial Leave a Comment

The toolset of the JavaScript developer is ever-evolving and ever-changing. Array manipulation saw dramatic improvements in usability, utility, and readability with the release of the ECMAScript 6 standard in 2015. This update was released with game-changing features like arrow functions, scoped variables like ‘let’ and ‘const’, and many other commonly used tools.

As a developer, I use these features on a regular basis when developing in a Javascript environment, whether that’s a front-end library, such as React or Angular, or on the backend through Node. Most developers have experience with arrow functions and scoped variables, which are incredibly common to see throughout modern code bases. One feature included in ECMAScript 6 is the Spread Operator. While I do not often see it used, it is perhaps my favorite.

In this blog, I will cover the Spread Operator. We’ll talk about what it is and how it’s used to manipulate both objects and arrays. We’ll walk through some examples to help you get started using it in your programming along the way. Let’s jump in.