Why Event Storming?

John Hoestje Dev Methodologies, Opinion Leave a Comment

My last Event Storming blog was like a stew I made by throwing in everything from the fridge and pantry. Maybe the stew was okay, but most of the individual ingredients got lost in the mix.

This time, I’m including the points to back my position as to why you should start using Event Storming now. Although, in my opinion, choosing Event Storming doesn’t take a lot of convincing to make it sound more appealing than other techniques.

So why should Event Storming be used in place of other more established domain modeling processes?

While it isn’t beneficial to always try out the latest and greatest whiz-bang gadgets, not keeping tabs on emerging and promising trends can prevent your team from becoming more efficient…

Event Storming For Rapid Domain Learning

John Hoestje Agile, Consulting, Dev Methodologies 1 Comment

Tl:dr: Use Event Storming to rapidly gain group understanding of complex business domains while having a more enjoyable time.

While I was browsing tech news sites looking for articles, a headline caught my eye talking about domain-driven design (DDD). Its main idea was to implement Event Storming to drive the understanding of the business domain. The more I read about it, the more I saw the value in what Event Storming offered.

On a recent consulting project, we were piloting Agile in a Waterfall environment, so in reality, any requirement gathering process used would have been new. We chose to compare Event Storming to User Story Mapping, allotting just one hour to work with each process. The process that the pilot Agile team favored would then be used going forward.

In this blog, I will share the main takeaways and benefits that became apparent while implementing Event Storming sessions, especially as compared to User Story Mapping. I will first explain the project we worked on and underlying opinions that drove our trial, what key aspects of Event Storming stood out to us, and then tips I picked up along the way for effective Event Storming sessions….