April 10: Public vs. Permissioned Blockchains with Hyperledger KC

Keyhole Software Articles, Blockchain, Educational Event, Hyperledger Leave a Comment

As organizers of the new official Hyperledger Kansas City Meetup, the Keyhole Software team is excited to host the third meetup of the group on April 10, 2019.

The topic for this event is titled “Public vs. Permissioned Blockchains.”

Attend for an in-depth introduction to permissions and identity management in blockchain networks implemented with Hyperledger Fabric. We’ll introduce the pros and cons of public blockchains when compared with permissioned blockchains…

Creating A Blockchain In JavaScript

Vince Pendergrass Articles, Blockchain, Development Technologies & Tools, JavaScript Leave a Comment

Blockchain is all the buzz now. And for good reason! A distributed public ledger that is extremely secure through encryption?! Imagine the millions of applicable use cases. A blockchain can be created and maintained using any modern language.

For the purpose of this blog, let’s dive into a blockchain written in JavaScript. Hopefully, this doesn’t just serve as a simple code example but also gives a very basic understanding of how a blockchain actually works.

Do keep in mind this will be very simplist…

Keyhole Labs Announces “Byzantine Tools” For Blockchain

Keyhole Software Articles, Blockchain, Company News, Hyperledger, Keyhole Leave a Comment

The Keyhole Labs team has announced the release of Byzantine Tools, a series of blockchain open source projects to enhance Hyperledger blockchain networks.

Keyhole Labs is a group within Keyhole dedicated to creating open source solutions that help software developers in their craft. Byzantine Tools is an extension of our Keyhole Labs open source initiatives with a more specific focus on blockchain technology.

Current Byzantine Tool offerings include Byzantine Browser, Byzantine Config, and Byzantine Flu which can be accessed…

The Jury is Still Out: Blockchain in Healthcare

Zach Gardner Articles, Blockchain, Hyperledger, Opinion Leave a Comment

Blockchain has gotten the software world buzzing about its potential applications in different business areas. With the US spending 17.9% of its GDP on healthcare in 2017 per CMS, many companies are considering how to enter into a market that has such potential for growth as well as the potential to positively affect patient’s lives.

Keyhole Software stays ahead of the curve by investigating new trends in software so that when clients come to us asking for advice we can provide an informed opinion. We do not want our clients to be guinea pigs, and we help provide guidance so that the solution they choose is the best one regardless of the trends of the day.

Blockchain is something we feel could be a good fit for the right use case, which we’ve elaborated on in our Blockchain Case Study. It is, at the end of the day, just a tool, and should only be used when it is beneficial to do so. Healthcare is an incredibly complex industry, so it is important to understand what Blockchain is, what it is not, and what needs to be considered before using the technology.

The purpose of this blog post is to think through how Blockchain can be applied to healthcare software applications. This blog post does not dive into the technical implementation of Blockchain, only its application in healthcare. A technical deep dive into Blockchain can be found in our Blockchain White Paper.

Newly Named: Byzantine Browser

Keyhole Software Articles, Blockchain, Company News, Hyperledger, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

Keyhole Labs would like to announce the name change of our open source tool for Hyperledger Fabric blockchain networks. 

Previously known as the Keyhole Software Blockchain Browser, the tool is now known as the Byzantine Browser. 

The KHS Byzantine Browser is an analytics tool for real-time visibility into transactions and blocks as they are added to a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network. The application was built using React and Node.js. It is Apache 2.0 open-source licensed.