What’s New in JUnit 5.2

Billy Korando Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Effective Automated Testing With Spring Series, Java, Testing Leave a Comment

The JUnit team continues to make great progress in adding new features and enhancements to the JUnit 5 framework. We already have a second significant feature update after just seven months from the initial release of JUnit 5.

In this article, we look at some of the key features and enhancements added in JUnit 5.2 which was released on April 29th. We’ll focus on build tool enhancements that help in the adoption/migration to JUnit 5 for existing test suites and resolve annoyances, as well as what new changes further improve parameterized tests.

Why Am I Writing This Test?

Billy Korando Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Effective Automated Testing With Spring Series, Testing Leave a Comment

… The highlight of this episode for me was when Dan laid out the three major concerns of automated tests. I hadn’t previously heard all the major purposes for automated testing laid out in such a succinct fashion. They are paraphrased:

Using Tests to Specify the Requirements of the System
Using Tests to Document the System
Using Tests to Build Confidence in the System

With purpose in mind, it is good practice for both developers and automated testers to ask themselves the following questions when writing a test: Why am I writing this test? Am I specifying system requirements? Documenting system behavior? Building confidence in the system? I’m a firm believer that asking the right questions when writing tests can lead to a better design for individual tests, in addition to more coherent and effective automated test suites.

In this article, we look into the three major purposes for writing automated unit tests. We discuss how they should be approached and what developers and automated testers can do right now to establish better, more purposeful, practices. 

Fluent Assertions with AssertJ

Billy Korando Articles, Effective Automated Testing With Spring Series, Java Leave a Comment

I recently gave a presentation to my Keyhole team members about JUnit 5. I started off the presentation by covering the importance of automated testing, how lack of automated testing affects an organization’s ability to deliver code to production, and how without automated testing you are building legacy.

I pointed out two key benefits of automated testing: confidence you are fixing what you set out to fix, and confidence you are not introducing a new bug. A co-worker however pointed out an important third benefit of automated testing: providing living documentation.

My co-worker made the very good point that automated testing can do more than just checking for code correctness. It can also provide valuable documentation for current and future developers on a project.

In this article, we look at how using AssertJ can make automated tests easier to read and write. We take a look at how AssertJ improves the readability of assertions in test cases, as well as how it helps make the task of comparing complex objects and performing list validations easier to read and write. The goal is that when tests are easier to read and write, it will hopefully encourage developers to write more tests (i.e. documentation).

What’s New in JUnit 5.1

Billy Korando Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Effective Automated Testing With Spring Series, Java Leave a Comment

It is hard to believe that JUnit 5 has been out for five months! Already we have our first feature release. There are quite a few changes in 5.1 and you can see them all in the release notes. In this article, we focus on a few of the changes that I think are the most impactful to the day-to-day tasks of writing automated tests…

Conditionally Disabling and Filtering Tests in JUnit 5

Billy Korando Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Effective Automated Testing With Spring Series, Java, Testing 9 Comments

I’m in the middle of several talks on JUnit 5, so it’s safe to say that JUnit has been on my mind lately. In the last article in this series, we covered how to use test interfaces to encourage good behavior.

In this article, we look at the improvements the JUnit team has made to filtering and conditionally disabling tests in JUnit 5….