
Modernization: COBOL Batch Processing to Spring Batch

Keyhole Software Java, Mainframe, Modernization, New Development, Spring Batch

The Keyhole team worked to modernize the organization’s enterprise batch processing applications. This project included converting a long list of COBOL batch processing applications into Java-based batch applications using the Spring Batch framework. The project encompasses a wide range of tasks from calculating and assessing fees, to processing large vendor fees, and running recon reports.

Rewrite: Claims Processing System

Keyhole Software Application Rewrite, Java

This custom solution handles the management of information pertaining, but not limited to: accounts, broker relationships, policies, claims, and documents. The origins of this custom system were based in IBM’s outdated RPG set on the AS/400. The client required a more up-to-date technology stack for their claims management system. As this mission-critical system was directly linked to company profitability, all changes required strategic planning and execution.