Blazor Server in .NET 6 - Part Four - Blazor Components

Blazor Server in .NET 6 – Part Four

Ryan Flachman .NET, Blazor, Blazor Server in .NET 6 Series, C#, Development Technologies, Tutorial Leave a Comment

In Part 4 of the Keyhole Blazor Server in .NET 6 series, we covered adding events in our Blazor components. In sum, I demonstrated how to add a service that contains the events that components can listen to with methods to notify when to invoke our events.

After that, we added that service to the BaseComponent. The section is complete with adding the new character to our list of current characters in storage in order to notify all listening components of this event.

I hope you’re enjoying working with Blazor as much as I do so far. See you in part 5, the final part of the blog series, for how to use dropdowns and data binding using both lists and enums!