Blazor Server in .NET 6 - Part 5 HttpClient

Blazor Server in .NET 6 – Part Five

Ryan Flachman .NET, Blazor, Blazor Server in .NET 6 Series, C#, Development Technologies, Tutorial Leave a Comment

In the final part of the Blazor Server in .NET 6 blog series, we covered how to use data binding and dropdowns with lists and enums. This included a short introduction to setting up an HttpService, making a get call to the API, and viewing the results as a string. For further clarity, I also included a demonstration on how to add an HttpService that uses the built-in .NET HttpClient class to make calls to the D&D 5e API!

Finally, I presented a way to add a dropdown with the available race options that our character can choose from. That concludes my five-part educational series on Blazor Server in .NET 6. I hope you enjoyed it, and learned a little something you can take with you. Thanks for tuning in!