We are excited to announce the next free public Keyhole Software educational event: Building Your Evil(?) Empire with Azure Functions.
This Breakfast Boost event is a live learning opportunity that is open to the public. The presentation is geared to benefit software developers who are interested in implementing Azure Functions or building Cloud Solutions using JavaScript and .NET technologies.
For this educational talk, Keyhole will bring in guest speaker Bryan Soltis of Kentico, a Microsoft Azure MVP and Technical Evangelist.
This free presentation will be held at the Keyhole Software office in Leawood, Kansas on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 from 8-10 a.m. Space is limited. To get more information and reserve your free tickets, please visit this link to Eventbrite.com or https://azurefunctionswithkeyhole.eventbrite.com.
Building Your Evil(?) Empire with Azure Functions
If you haven’t heard, Azure Functions are pretty awesome. From offloading functionality to automating processing, this new Azure feature allows you to harness the cloud to your bidding, whether it’s the dirty work of processing your data or informing your henchmen about your next plot to take over the world.
Whether your preference is C#, JS, Python, or a slew of other languages, you can program just about anything with Azure Functions and execute it with triggers, timers, or HTTP requests. In this session, Kentico Technical Evangelist and Azure super-fan Bryan Soltis will show you how to add Azure Functions to your arsenal and build amazing cloud solutions.
The presentation will be followed with a Q&A session, where Soltis will answer any questions the audience has regarding Azure.
Coffee and breakfast items will be available.
Who Will Benefit
Managers, architects, leads, and developers who are developing software using .NET or JavaScript technology.
About The Presenter
Bryan Soltis is a Technical Evangelist / Microsoft Azure MVP focused on educating the development community and building better relationships with internal Kentico resources and external partners / developers. He is heavily involved in the development community and prolifically spoken at regional, national, and international events.
With more than 18 years of experience developing with the .NET framework and an early adopter of Windows Azure, he’s utilized nearly every aspect of the platform for projects. He has conducted several developer code camps for Windows Azure and participated in several beta programs for Windows Azure to help shape the platform.
About Keyhole Software
Keyhole Software is a Midwest-based software development and consulting firm with a team that loves technology. Our expert employee consultants excel as “change agents,” helping our clients to be successful with software technologies that bring competitive advantage.
We frequently assist clients with custom application design, development, and modernization initiatives with Java, JavaScript/SPA, and .NET technologies. See some of our recent projects here. Kansas City – St. Louis – Lincoln– Chicago.