Jamstack: Azure Serverless Functions App With React

Jamstack: Azure Serverless Function App With React

Matt McCandless Architecture, Articles, Azure, Development Technologies & Tools, Node.js, React Leave a Comment

A new trend of creating applications is emerging called Jamstack. No, this isn’t slapping together your favorite flavor of jelly (grape is the best) with peanut butter and two pieces of bread. The intent is an architecture that is faster, more secure, and easier to scale. It focuses on pre-rending and decoupling. This way, the solutions created are more reliable and resilient than before.

Pre-rendering comes by the way of using a static website via a CDN for high availability and security. No more serving your React app via web server like we’ve become accustomed to. It reduces cost and complexity by eliminating the regular maintenance and configuration of traditional servers.

Also, the idea of APIs and the ability to move them to things like Serverless functions creates more cost savings, elimination of traditional servers, and use of features only when they are requested. For more information, check out the Serverless website.


Part 1: Creating an FHIR API – Google or Azure?

Zach Gardner API Development, Articles, Cloud, Creating an FHIR API, Security, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Data interoperability is one of the hardest problems in Healthcare IT. The most popular approach is to exchange HL7v2 messages between systems. These pipe-delimited messages are difficult to read by a human and often need additional customizations between implementations.

The next major paradigm shift is towards FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), a JSON-based standard that is evolving ahead of the needs of the industry. Cloud vendors like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are trying to lay their claim to be the one-stop shop for healthcare on the cloud.

This blog is part of a 4 part series diving into an actual use case I recently encountered while working with a client. I had to stand up an FHIR repository/API for 2+ million patients that could be used by hundreds of users every day, as well as countless background processes.

serverless framework

[Video] Serverless Framework: Concepts + Code Walkthrough | Deploying To AWS, Azure & Multi-Cloud

Keyhole Software AWS, Azure, Cloud, Development Technologies & Tools, Educational Event, TypeScript, Videos Leave a Comment

A 55-minute dive into the “Serverless” framework, an open-source tool that aims to simplify building, packaging, and deploying serverless applications across multiple cloud providers and platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure, and Kubernetes.

Batching Excel Files in Azure to Order DME

Batching Excel Files in Azure to Order DME

Zach Gardner Architecture, Articles, Azure, Cloud, Tutorial Leave a Comment

The steps described in this blog post allow for the adding of a Logic App on Azure to append rows to an Excel file. It took a lot of trial, and mostly error, to figure out how to describe what I wanted in the way that the Logic App would understand. Hopefully, the steps that I outlined in this blog post will save others the time it took me to come up with them.