Redux InitialState with TypeScript

Redux with TypeScript: Focus on InitialState

John Boardman Articles, JavaScript, TypeScript 2 Comments

For this blog, I’m going to continue using the example project I’ve used for the last several blogs, Whirlpool. You can find my last post on the Keyhole Dev Blog – Updating Microservices with Netty, Kafka, and React: Whirlpool revisited. Feel free to go back and read about microservices, Netty, Kafka, and React, or just start here with me and continue on the journey. Either way, I’m glad you’re here.

The focus of this blog will be creating Redux’s InitialState using TypeScript. It tends to be tricky to get it to stop complaining about types, so this should be helpful. Personally, I’ve encountered this issue several times across multiple projects, so I think it is worth talking about.

serverless framework

[Video] Serverless Framework: Concepts + Code Walkthrough | Deploying To AWS, Azure & Multi-Cloud

Keyhole Software AWS, Azure, Cloud, Development Technologies & Tools, Educational Event, TypeScript, Videos Leave a Comment

A 55-minute dive into the “Serverless” framework, an open-source tool that aims to simplify building, packaging, and deploying serverless applications across multiple cloud providers and platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure, and Kubernetes.

Saving The Environment With React Hooks

Using React Hooks To Save the Environment

James Bradley Articles, Node.js, Programming, React, TypeScript Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 4 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Every application has some need for environmental variables that are specific to that environment. This can be database connections strings or URL to an API that will vary between the different environments. …

How TypeScript Can Take Your React Development to the Next Level

Justin Hurt Articles, JavaScript, React, TypeScript Leave a Comment

No matter how much you love JavaScript, as with all languages, there are certain aspects of it that are bothersome and frustrating. The lack of strict typing of variables/objects and the mysterious reference errors that don’t present themselves until run-time are among the most common complaints about JavaScript. Luckily, TypeScript offers a solution, especially for React-based applications.

TypeScript alleviates these headaches for vanilla Javascript. When integrated with a JavaScript framework like React, web application development becomes much more consistent with a standard object-orientated language.

In this blog post, I will be giving you a high-level breakdown of what TypeScript is and how to use it with either a new or existing React application.