Scripting Development Environment Setup with tmux

Scripting Development Environment Setup with tmux

Rachel Walker Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Programming, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Recently, I found myself in a position that developers often face – setting up a complicated local development environment.

My mission: get 8-10 local services up and running using a variety of technologies to test my code prior to merging to a shared environment. Armed with several outdated READMEs, my terminal, and some dire warnings about which services would likely crash my machine, I dove in.

The following blog is my story of writing scripts that utilize tmux to impose some order on the setup process.

Saving The Environment With React Hooks

Using React Hooks To Save the Environment

James Bradley Articles, Node.js, Programming, React, TypeScript Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 4 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Every application has some need for environmental variables that are specific to that environment. This can be database connections strings or URL to an API that will vary between the different environments. …

How and Why to Containerize Your Development

John Hoestje Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Docker, Opinion, Python, Tutorial Leave a Comment

This is a tutorial for how to use the VS Code Remote-Containers extension to containerize your development environment. First, I will discuss my reasons for separating my programming environment and why virtual machines didn’t work. Then, I’ll show a simple example using a containerized Python development environment. Finally, I’ll give you my reasons why containerizing the development environment fits what I’m looking for in a solution.