Leveraging Docker to Quickly Setup an Object Detection API

Adam Costenbader API Development, Articles, Cloud, Development Technologies & Tools, Docker, Tutorial 1 Comment

In this blog, we utilize the strengths of Docker containers to quickly spin up two separate containers that we can utilize for our software development needs – one running the DeepStack API software and the other running a utility to help us get started with the DeepStack API.

The best part is that once we are comfortable with our setup, we could quickly and easily stop and remove the DeepStackUI utility container to free up resources all while continuing to run the DeepStack API software without interruption.

How and Why to Containerize Your Development

John Hoestje Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Docker, Opinion, Python, Tutorial Leave a Comment

This is a tutorial for how to use the VS Code Remote-Containers extension to containerize your development environment. First, I will discuss my reasons for separating my programming environment and why virtual machines didn’t work. Then, I’ll show a simple example using a containerized Python development environment. Finally, I’ll give you my reasons why containerizing the development environment fits what I’m looking for in a solution.

Azure Continuous Integration

Joe Sciara .NET, Articles, Azure, Cloud, DevOps Leave a Comment

In this post, we will set up continuous deployment using Azure’s Deployment Center. Continuous Deployment is used to shorten the release cycle and quickly get code pushed to its target environment. This is especially useful when code is completed in small increments. Automated testing should be used as part of this process to produce stable code. This blog will focus on the continuous deployment.

Azure Web Apps in Docker Containers – Part 1

Joe Sciara Architecture, Articles, Azure, Cloud, Development Technologies & Tools, Docker, Tutorial Leave a Comment

So you want to host a web application on Azure with minimal overhead, but how is this done? Azure makes it possible by running an App Service using Docker containers. Setting up an App Service is simple and can be accomplished with a few steps.

In this blog, I’ll explain the steps necessary to generate a Docker image in Azure. Then, we will deploy a web application based on an image we generate. We host the application with the following steps:
1. Create a Container Registry
2. Build a Docker image
3. Create a Web App

Gaining Docker Image Size Efficiencies By Separating Application Layers

Luke Patterson Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Docker, Java, Spring Boot Leave a Comment


I was pushing a new Docker image tag for each application code commit, and the admins of the private registry were getting annoyed at how much space I was using.

Solution Summary

Yes, I know there are strategies to clean up old tags but I first wanted to reduce the impact of the tags I was pushing. With the right layering strategy, I knew I could reduce the net registry size increase of consecutive tag pushes.

I wanted to only push what had actually changed in the application. In addition to reducing the impact on the registry, having smaller tag deltas could possibly speed up rolling deployments since nodes could potentially have less to download.