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James Fielder

Using Terraform to Create a Cloud Function on Google Cloud Platform

James Fielder Architecture, Articles, Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, Infrastructure As Code (IaC) 1 Comment

In this post, we will walk through using Terraform to create a Google Cloud function that triggers when a file is uploaded and outputs the file details in the log. This process has wide-ranging applications and could be beneficial in a few business environments, such as: Real-time data processing in an online shopping/e-commerce environment when a customer orders a product, …

Sequelize Command Line and Migration

Sequelize ORM: Interacting with databases using Node

James Fielder Articles, Databases, Development Technologies & Tools, Programming Leave a Comment

Today, we are going to be going over a very useful tool called Sequelize. It is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), which allows us to interact with relational databases using Node.js.

Sequelize supports many different databases, but in this blog, we will be using MySQL. We will go over how to set up a local MySQL instance and a Node.js server using Sequelize to communicate with it.

Along the way, we’ll learn basic Sequelize functionally, such as the command line tool and migrations, to understand how to work with the database…

Using Google Maps with FLutter

Using Google Maps with Flutter

James Fielder Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Flutter, Mobile, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Flutter has a lot of amazing plugins that make it easy to develop cross-platform apps. Recently, I had the opportunity to work with a theater chain that made use of a map view to show nearby theaters. We used Flutter in conjunction with Google Maps.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the Google Maps Flutter plugin, which allows you to add an interactive map to your iOS or Android app and customize it in many different ways!