Using RegEx In Visual Studio Code

Using RegEx in VSCode For Powerful Searching

Alex Cassells .NET, Articles, Programming, React Leave a Comment

This post demonstrates some of my favorite search techniques that work well in VSCode, including some basic RegEx (Regular Expressions) expressions that will help you find exactly what you’re looking for in an unfamiliar code base. We will cover VSCode file type inclusions and exclusions, single-line multi-term searching, conditional searching, and more. RegEx can be intimidating to people who aren’t used to using it, but luckily the RegEx expressions described in this post are very easy to remember and incredibly powerful.

The Visual Studio Experience for C# in VS Code

The Visual Studio Experience with C# in VS Code

Adam Costenbader .NET, Articles, C#, Development Technologies & Tools Leave a Comment

There is no doubt that VS Code is one of the most popular development IDEs around these days. With clean layouts and a broad library of extensions that cater to an amazing list of development languages, it’s easy to imagine why it’s so popular. However, when it came to C# development, there were comforts that could be found in Visual Studio but not in VS Code. That is until recently…

This year, Microsoft released an extension for VS Code that helps bring those missing comforts of developing C# in Visual Studio to VS Code: the C# Dev Kit extension, which is approaching 1 million downloads with active updates. If you are an API and UI developer looking to stay in a single IDE, or maybe a Linux developer who is not able to install Visual Studio, this should excite you.

In this post, we’ll walk through some of the features that this extension brings to VS Code.

Multiple Emulators with VS Code

Multiple Emulators with VS Code

John Hoestje Articles, Programming, Tutorial 2 Comments

Recently, I was joking with some team members, trying my best to get someone to develop a VS Code plugin for me that would allow VS Code to simultaneously connect to multiple Android emulators.

I was working on some font sizing issues in Flutter and needed to test the changes on multiple device viewport sizes. Needless to say, it was taking too much time to ramp various Android emulators up and down.

Later that day, I decided to start playing with the debugger and emulator options, with no expectations of finding anything substantial. Sometimes throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks provides the best surprises!

5 VS Code Extensions To Rocket Productivity

Ruben Hernandez Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Programming Leave a Comment

We all want to write cleaner and faster code. Better code. However, at the same time, we all learn at our own pace, and if you’re like me, discovering new strategies and methods to be more productive can take some time to adapt to and fully adopt. The quickest way I know to improve the coding process is to use effective tools to assist us. Even improving by just 1% is still an improvement!

I’ve assembled a quick unordered list of five great helpers that help me with organization and time and reduce my stress level as a developer. This list will be specific to extensions for VS Code (for the most part).

How and Why to Containerize Your Development

John Hoestje Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Docker, Opinion, Python, Tutorial Leave a Comment

This is a tutorial for how to use the VS Code Remote-Containers extension to containerize your development environment. First, I will discuss my reasons for separating my programming environment and why virtual machines didn’t work. Then, I’ll show a simple example using a containerized Python development environment. Finally, I’ll give you my reasons why containerizing the development environment fits what I’m looking for in a solution.