Multiple Emulators with VS Code

Multiple Emulators with VS Code

John Hoestje Programming, Tutorial 2 Comments

Recently, I was joking with some team members, trying my best to get someone to develop a VS Code plugin for me that would allow VS Code to simultaneously connect to multiple Android emulators.

I was working on some font sizing issues in Flutter and needed to test the changes on multiple device viewport sizes. Needless to say, it was taking too much time to ramp various Android emulators up and down.

Later that day, I decided to start playing with the debugger and emulator options, with no expectations of finding anything substantial. Sometimes throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks provides the best surprises!

To my surprise, I could run multiple Android emulators at the same time while attaching a debugger to each emulator. Shaking my head, I have to ask myself why I didn’t try this earlier. The win is being able to change the code and have the change push to all the Android emulators automatically. Big win!

The rest of this blog is a walkthrough of how to get this going on your machine. Let’s get started.

The Tutorial

There are a couple of paths you can take to accomplish multiple emulators. I’ll post one of them, and then you can use that knowledge to find the path best for you.

Before we begin, I’ll assume:

  • You have VS Code installed.
  • You have Android SDK installed.
  • You have Android emulators already created.
  • You have VS Code configured to access the emulators.

In this example, I’m developing a Flutter application. However, these steps are similar to other app stacks, so you should be able to generalize for whichever tools you’re using.

Step 1: Fire Up the First Emulator

debug Menu First

  1. You can click on the Devices’ Label (as shown by the “#1” in the image above) to show the list of devices and emulators to run.
  2. The first emulator, “NexusS T,” is running, as seen in the list of available devices (#2) as well as the emulator window title. The active emulator is also shown as the device label from callout #1.
  3. The Start Debugging command (#3) will run the app and attach a debugger to the active emulator.

Step 2: Fire Up the Second Emulator

Starting the second emulator is very similar to starting the first.

Fire Up Second Emulator (of multiple) with VS code

  1. In the list of available emulators, choose the second emulator to run (#1).
  2. When the second emulator is up and running, the emulator name will move up to the “Available Devices” section of the list (#2).

Step 3: Attach Debugger to Second Emulator

With the start of the second emulator, the new emulator becomes the active emulator that VS Code will interact with.

Multiple Emulators debugger Selectors with VS code

  1. Before attaching the second debugger, verify that the correct emulator is selected (#1).
  2. Select “Start Debugging” to run the app and attach the debugger (#2). multiple emulators debugger selectors in VS code
  3. Once the second debugger is available, the debugger selection dropdown lists the two active debuggers. A recent VS Code update made it easier to verify which emulator a debugger was attached to.

Step 4: Fast Testing UI Changes

With both emulators visible, actively running, and ready to receive updates, let’s make an easily identifiable code change.

ready For Code Changes

    1. To assist in proving the effect, we’ll update the widget text in the code to test how it appears with two different screen sizes and resolutions (#1).
    2. We can see the text is too long for the screen size in one of the emulators and needs shortening (#2).
    3. Let’s change Demo to Foo and save the changes. multiple emulators: ready for Code Changes
    4. After updating the text in the source, a save automatically triggers a rebuild (#1).

Voila!!! You’re finished. As #2 points out, both emulators received the code change without any additional time-consuming steps.

In Conclusion

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference. It is nice finding productivity boosts from unexpected places. Saving these little bits of time will add up over time and will be a huge benefit to my overall productivity.

I hope this step-by-step tutorial on how to create multiple emulators with VS Code helps you save some time, too.

Thanks for reading! Follow the Keyhole Dev Blog for more time-saving, programming hacks.

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