In this post, I’ll discuss how I’m currently working to migrate a suite of apps from Docker Swarm to Kubernetes. The client chose this migration to align with more contemporary standards of container deployment and gain a more comprehensive feature set. Also, some products that they recently purchased were best supported as a Kube package. So you have a fuller …
[Video] Continuous Delivery With GitOps (Using Kubernetes): Concepts + Code Walkthrough
A one-hour discussion of Continuous Delivery with GitOps (using Kubernetes) with key concepts and real-time examples featuring trunk-based development and feature flags.
Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi
Kubernetes, or k8s, is an important container orchestration platform. In this blog, I’ll describe creating a workable Kubernetes cluster implemented on a stack of four Raspberry Pi boards. In the end, I’ll have provided an outline of how I created it and I’ll show how to replicate a stateless app across Kubernetes pods running on the nodes — the Pi boards.
[Video] GitOps – Declarative CD Intro, Kubernetes + ArgoCD Demo
GitOps provides a declarative approach for improving the management of application delivery.
In this 50-minute video, Keyhole Principal Consultant Jaime Niswonger discusses basic GitOps fundamentals and various implementations in a Kubernetes environment. He covers GitOps best practices that unify deployment, management, and monitoring for containerized clusters and applications. Then he introduces ArgoCD and shows its capabilities in an OpenShift/Kubernetes environment. Jaime includes his own experiences and what he has seen working with companies across various industries.