Using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis To Optimize Your Spring Boot Application

Brandon Klimek AWS, Development Technologies, Java, Spring, Spring Boot 13 Comments

Has your project gotten to the point when big data sets and/or time-consuming calculations have begun to affect performance? Or are you struggling to optimize your queries and need to cache some information to avoid continually hitting your database? Then caching could be your solution.

For this article, I will demonstrate how to utilize Amazon ElastiCache for Redis to speed up areas of your application. The example application we will build uses Spring Boot 2.x and is available on Github.

Reading and Writing from Excel in Spring Batch

Rik Scarborough Development Technologies, Java, Spring, Spring Batch, Tutorial 4 Comments

We have discussed many different ways to read and write data in Spring Batch. The framework comes with quite an assortment of Readers and Writers that can be used directly or reused in some manner. Most of the time, the requirements consist of reading the data from some type of text file or database.

So what happens when the business we are supporting asks for something out of the ordinary, such as reading an Excel file and outputting the data to another Excel file? Typically the off-the-cuff response would be, “can you convert it to a CSV or other delimited text file?” Or “You know, Excel will read a CSV file just fine.” Sometimes that works, and sometimes the business requirements do not allow that type of flexibility.

Consider this scenario; in these days of Cloud and other online computing, the input file is likely created by a server that the company has no direct access to as far as programming. The file it creates is in one format, Excel. The output of your process has to go before several executives or other business clients and needs to be formatted in a professional looking manner. Adding a manual process to import a CSV and format it diminishes the value of using Spring Batch.

For the sake of the honor of the coding profession, you agree to the requirement to read and write from an Excel file directly. Now, how do you do that?…

AWS Lambda with Spring Boot

Greg Emerick AWS, Cloud, Development Technologies, Java, Spring, Spring Boot 12 Comments

The typical deployment scenario for a Spring Boot application in AWS involves running the Java application on an EC2 instance 24 hours a day. Of course, the application could be deployed in AWS ECS as a Docker container, but it still runs continuously on an EC2 instance. In each case, the EC2 instances need to be monitored and you pay for compute capacity used by that EC2 instance.

AWS Lambda provides low cost compute with zero maintenance. Lambda runs your code on demand, without provisioned and managed servers. Lambda automatically runs and scales your code. You are charged for every 100ms your code executes and the number of times your code is triggered. If the code isn’t running, you pay nothing.

Lambda has clear cost and maintenance benefits. But what does it take to run the standard Spring Boot application as a Lambda? How does it work? What are the drawbacks? These are the questions that will be answered in this blog through a tangible example…

Service Discovery with Eureka and Zuul

Jarett Lear .NET, .NET Core, Microservices, Spring, Spring Boot 3 Comments

One issue that we face day to day as developers is speed of development. One of the coolest things to me in the ever-changing landscape of technology is how this issue us continually being addressed in an effort to makes our lives easier.

We have gone from having to write everything needed in a verbose way to being able to configure a simple REST API in a few lines of code with Spring Boot. The most amazing part of this is not only the ability to create the web services but also the ability to allow these services to communicate in a smart way. Spring has given us many tools to allow easy configuration and putting together things that just work (mostly).

This post is not to be considered a full guide to which the extent of these technologies can be leveraged. In this post, we give examples of how Spring Boot can be used (along with Zuul and Eureka) to create a simple discovery service.

There are other components that can be added for things like a configuration server to pull all files from a common location that is updatable in real time, or circuit breakers to allow the graceful failing of different pieces of your API.

What this post will focus on is the service discovery between Spring Boot applications. We will also touch on how, using SteeltoeOSS, .NET applications can also take advantage of being a part of the service discovery and be routed through our Spring Boot-based Zuul Gateway. We will also look at how we can integrate Spring Security into our gateway to secure the entire API no matter the language…

Spring Boot Profiles: A Strategic Way to Configure Applications

Greg Rice Development Technologies, Java, Spring, Spring Boot 1 Comment

Most applications use properties as variables or parameters that have been extracted from the main logic and injected into the application at runtime. Traditionally, these properties existed in files deployed to the server.

One application of Spring Boot is the Profile feature, which allows developers to place related properties and their values into application properties files, thus allowing deployment scripts to refer to the logical groupings of properties with a single environment variable reference at runtime, which greatly simplifies the application.

In this blog, I’ll provide an introduction to Spring Boot Profiles, showing Profiles in action with tangible code examples…