Strategic Assessment & Modernization Initiatives with React and IaC

Lauren Fournier Application Rewrite, Cloud, IT Strategy, JavaScript, Proof-of-Concept, React

Keyhole Software played a pivotal role in orchestrating a holistic modernization initiative for a client in the business finance software sector. The journey commenced with a comprehensive architectural assessment led by experienced consultants, laying out a strategic roadmap for the incremental migration from a legacy Ember.js front-end and Rails-based monolithic architecture to a more dynamic microservices architecture, coupled with a …

[.NET & JS] Sr. Consultant Contributions at Healthcare Client

Lauren Fournier .NET, Azure, C#, JavaScript, Microservices, Mobile Development, React-Native

The project is undertaken for a prominent healthcare system situated on the East Coast of the United States. Keyhole Software has been a trusted consultancy for this organization since 2013, contributing expertise and resources to various departments within the system. The project experience detailed here spans the period from 2020 to 2024 and is representative of the valuable contributions made …

Digital Payment System with React and Java

Lauren Fournier

Keyhole Consultants led the design and development of a greenfield React application, providing just-in-time leadership & development to help the bank successfully meet deadlines negatively impacted by COVID-19. Since its deployment to the project end, Keyhole consultants have been entirely responsible for its updates and changes to ensure it accurately solved the client’s needs for a digital payment system.

Under a tight deadline, Keyhole consultants architected and developed the application with a React-based JavaScript front end and Java, Spring services, and API gateway-based backend to efficiently bridge the gap between the front end and back end in a way that promoted the efficient transfer of secure data…