Updating Microservices with Netty 5, Kafka 3, and React: Whirlpool Revisited

John Boardman Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Java, JavaScript, Microservices, React Leave a Comment

Back in 2015 and 2016, I wrote two blogs that went step by step to develop a microservice/Netty architecture with fully working code called Whirlpool.

A lot has changed in the years since, so recently I decided to come back to the project, update it with the latest versions of Kafka and Netty, and add a React UI to it (rather than the vanilla JavaScript version it used before). In addition, I also added Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) scripts in addition to the Mac and Linux scripts that were there before and made all of the scripts more robust.

This blog will be about the work that went into all of those updates, plus a look at the new React UI. This provides an excellent view into what it takes to update an outdated microservices application implemented with Kafka (version .9 –>3.0) and Netty (4.1.3->5.0.0-alpha2), bringing all versions up to date and adding a React UI. By the end you’ll be familiar with the latest versions of these frameworks, know some “gotchas” to avoid, as well as understand how to integrate WebSockets into React.

Whirlpool: Microservices Using Netty And Kafka

John Boardman Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Java, Microservices, Tutorial 2 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 9 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Introduction Update! Whirlpool now uses the “just released” Netty version 4.1.3. The great news about this is the upgrade required zero code changes, just update the pom and rebuild! In my last …