A 45-minute discussion diving into the Vue.js framework, including its technical philosophies, how it differs from the React library, and how it should be applied to new applications at an enterprise scale.
Kendo Grid: A Primer For First-Time Users
This is my take on working with Kendo Grid in a Vue 3 project. While I have not explored the grid functionality to the nth degree, these are some things I like about the grid, some difficulties I had implementing it, and some workarounds and quirks I have discovered. Specifically, I will be referring to the Vue implementation of Kendo Grid and the Native Components. This is not to be confused with the Kendo UI for Vue Wrappers.
Kendo Grid is a very robust tool for displaying data in table format. Out-of-the-box features include sorting, filtering, and pagination. Simply defining the column schema with a few config options will have the grid set up quickly. A few features that require more coding and configuration are column collapsing, adding a toolbar, displaying aggregated fields, using custom cell components, implementing column groups, and exporting grid data to a file.
Let’s get started!
Go With A Vue
Last year I blogged about creating a Lean Mean Vue Machine called Quotes on Demand. The application was a fully-featured CRUD application served from a NodeJS server and had a self-contained VueJS front end. Since then I’ve also added a Python version of the same API.
But wouldn’t it be a nice test to see if that same Vue application could switch over to another API – say, something like a Golang application server?
In this post, we will create a Golang application server that will have 100% parity to an existing NodeJS web application. This will enable an existing VueJS front end to connect to the application with no additional code changes in the user interface code.
A Vue of Python
Earlier this year I blogged about creating a Lean Mean Vue Machine called Quotes on Demand. The application was a fully featured CRUD application served from a NodeJS server and had a self contained VueJS front end.
But wouldn’t it be a nice test to see if that same Vue application could switch over to another API, say something like a Python web server powered by Flask?
In this post, we will create a Python web application that will have 100% parity to an existing NodeJS web application. This will enable an existing VueJS front end to connect to the application with no additional code changes in the user interface code.
Part 6: Node + Express for a Simple Security Model
Part of the Solid Foundations Learning Series
This is an in-depth learning series focused on a specific application: a JavaScript-based suite of single-page applications optimized for use in a microservice environment. We focus on telling the story of “why” and “how” it was built.
Throughout this series, we have touched on adding navigation, content and single-page applications, but we haven’t touched on the security of the application yet.
In this article, we’re going to add a simple security model to the application which will accept a login, validate a user, redirect to a secure page, enable a logout, and catch any errors which occur during the process. Let’s get started.