Blazor Server in .NET 6 – Part One

Ryan Flachman .NET, Blazor, Blazor Server in .NET 6 Series, C#, Development Technologies Leave a Comment

In Part 1 of the Keyhole Blazor Server in .NET 6 series, we learned how to create a new Blazor server application with both the CLI and Visual Studio methods. We covered the default template files that are provided when creating a new application and talked through some of the functionality and syntax inside the default components.

This gave us a brief primer for creating our own Character Builder application, so we created a Blazor page, navigated to our new page, and created a component to display data on a Character Page. We were able to see how component lifestyles function when attempting to display our characters as well.

Hopefully, Part 1 provided a helpful outline for navigating the CharactersPage component in further installments of the .NET 6 series. See you in Part 2, where we build on this application to utilize Blazor Protected Browser Storage.

C# 10 new features

LINQ Improvements in C# 10

Adam Wright C#, Development Technologies, Programming Leave a Comment

C# 10 was released in November of 2021, and it came with a host of new features. Some of the features that you may have heard of include file-scoped namespaces, global usings, target-type new expressions, record improvements, and many more. Several new extension methods have been added to LINQ as well including MaxBy, MinBy, DistinctBy, IntersectBy, ExceptBy, and UnionBy.

In this post, we will take a look at the aforementioned new C# 10 features and how they work.

Configuring Hangfire’s BackGround Method for .NET Core Applications

Bernardo Leite .NET, .NET Core, C#, Tutorial Leave a Comment

In this article, we will go over how to install the Hangfire NuGet package within the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. Then, we’ll walk through how to configure it within the .NET Core framework using Service Fabric. Lastly, we’ll learn how to use the BackgroundJob.Enqueue method in order to schedule a background task to be performed and at the same time not disturb the flow of your code.

JSON Web Token .NET Core Demo

Lou Mauget .NET Core, C#, Development Technologies, Programming 1 Comment

In this post, I present a tiny .NET Core C# JWT API demo that creates and parses a JSON Web Token (JWT). A self-contained Swagger UI dashboard exercises the API. 

We can’t dead-drop a JWT demo without wrapping it in words about JWT background. I’ll set the scene by introducing tokens, JWTs, and surveying session state residency tradeoffs. We’ll then migrate to, high-level JWT JWT use cases, and arguments about if or when to use JWTs. 

I seek to give equal coverage to JWT upsides and downsides. Let’s get started.