Taking A Mixed Approach To Single-Page Applications

Chris Berry Angular, Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, JavaScript, Single-Page Application Leave a Comment

A coworker came to me with a problem. The client he was working with would be building hundreds of single-page applications and all would need to be tied into a single shell application. He had first attempted to use an iFrame contained within another single-page application to display the child applications.

While this worked, he came up against another requirement: the child applications may or may not need access to data from the parent shell application.

It was at this point he came to me for suggestions. I had been playing with this exact idea for sometime; how can you manage a collection of Single-Page Applications and still share data between them?

At this point, I decided to create a hybrid solution of mixing Single-Page Applications with a server-rendered shell application. The following is the process I took for creating this solution, highlighting some of the pain points with some suggestions for further enhancements.

Getting Started With JHipster, Part 2

Matt McCandless Angular, Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Java, JavaScript, JHipster Series, Microservices, Spring Boot Leave a Comment

In part two of this series, we create a microservice architecture using JHipster’s available options for doing so. There is quite a bit more work to do with this approach as compared with the monolithic approach. But, in the end, it pays off. You will see the benefits and flexibility in decoupling our different layers of our architecture. Each layer will not be dependent upon another to run. Let’s get started…

Getting Started With JHipster, Part 1

Matt McCandless Angular, Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, Java, JavaScript, JHipster Series, Spring, Spring Boot Leave a Comment

So, you want to stay on the leading edge of technology, but feel overwhelmed by all the moving parts. You’re in luck! jHipster aims to make setting-up an app fairly painless.

In this jHipster series we are going to take you through, first, creating a monolithic application. Secondly, we will make an app in the microservices style. Last, we’ll give you some tips and tricks for jHipster best practices. Let’s first begin with Part One…

Boilerplate Template for Node.js and Backbone Using Gulp and Browserify

Justin Graber Articles, BackboneJS, Development Technologies & Tools, JavaScript, Node.js Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.I’ve been working with Node.js and Backbone for a little over a year now and recently started a new side project in my spare time. Every time I start a project from …