Elm Language

Lou Mauget Articles, Development Technologies & Tools, JavaScript, Programming, Single-Page Application Leave a Comment

This blog is about my dalliance with Elm; a purely functional, statically typed language that has type inference. It compiles to JavaScript. Functional programming is compelling, but heretofore, I’d only woven cherry-picked techniques into large object-oriented projects. In FP parlance, I’m partially applied! The times, they are a-changin’.

In this article, I’ll:
– touch on the reasoning for giving a nod to functional languages and data immutability;
– move on to Elm; a blazing-fast, statically typed, purely functional browser-side language that compiles to JavaScript and follows the principles of functional reactive programming;
– survey background items and the Elm environment;
– show a simple type-and-click application, followed by a more realistic To-do application;
– end with my impressions from functional-programming semi-outsider point-of-view.

Part 6: Node + Express for a ​S​imple ​S​ecurity ​M​odel

Chris Berry Articles, JavaScript, Node.js, Single-Page Application, solidfoundationsseries, Tutorial, Vue.js 1 Comment

Part of the Solid Foundations Learning Series

This is an in-depth learning series focused on a specific application: a JavaScript-based suite of single-page applications optimized for use in a microservice environment. We focus on telling the story of “why” and “how” it was built.

Throughout this series, we have touched on adding navigation, content and single-page applications, but we haven’t touched on the security of the application yet.

In this article, we’re going to add a simple security model to the application which will accept a login, validate a user, redirect to a secure page, enable a logout, and catch any errors which occur during the process. Let’s get started.

Part 5: Div​ing into the Vue.js SPA

Chris Berry Articles, JavaScript, Node.js, Single-Page Application, solidfoundationsseries, Tutorial, Vue.js 1 Comment

Part 5 of the Solid Foundations Learning Series
This is an in-depth learning series focused on a specific application: a JavaScript-based suite of single-page applications optimized for use in a microservice environment. We focus on telling the story of “why” and “how” it was built.


In Part 4 of this series, we learned the why and how of adding single-page applications to our server-rendered application. In this blog, we take a small step to the side and talk about our Vue.js app that is added to the reference application. We will specifically focus on how the Vue.js components are added and how the routing is completed within the SPA.

A Look Into React Hooks

Nick Brown Articles, JavaScript, React, Single-Page Application 1 Comment

There are two ways to create React components, using functions or classes. A common question when learning React is often “When do I use which?” Luckily, this is a question that might eventually become obsolete with the release of React version 16.8 as it includes hooks.

Hooks provide a way to use functionality such as state and context that could only be achieved through classes previously to be easily done with functional components.

In this blog, we’ll introduce React hooks and show some code examples of those hooks in action. Specifically, we will take a simple class component and convert it to a function with hooks, have an in-depth look at hooks useState and useEffect, and create a custom hook. Let’s get started!

Part 4: Adding Smaller SPAs to An Existing Application

Chris Berry Articles, JavaScript, Node.js, Single-Page Application, solidfoundationsseries, Tutorial, Vue.js Leave a Comment

In our prior segments of this series, we addressed being able to add in pages to the application and have them automatically registered with the navigation. We also discussed having Markdown content associated with different pages of the application.

In this segment, we will talk about the philosophy of using smaller single-page applications in place of large ones. We’ll discuss how to add in a single-page application to this application. And we will dive into a couple of the example single-page applications and talk about how they were built specifically….

This is an in-depth learning series focused on a specific application: a JavaScript-based suite of single-page applications optimized for use in a microservice environment. We focus on telling the story of “why” and “how” it was built.