What’s the best side project you’ve ever completed? For Keyhole Consultant Jake Everhart, so far, it’s writing his own interpretive programming language. He calls it Donut. Here’s more about why he made it, how he made it, and why it’s been so fun.
[Video] Introduction to GraphQL
This 33-minute video features Keyhole Principle Consultant Mat Warger at our internal employee lunch and learn in November 2020. He discusses GraphQL’s main features and how it’s beneficial for use in modern APIs.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. Basically, it provides a better way to think about your data!
[Video] DevOps Orchestration: Kubernetes, OpenShift & Cloud Foundry
The Keyhole team is excited to share an internal educational video that is now available to the public. In our first-ever video release, we discuss microservices platform orchestration from a broad scope.
Specifically, Principal Consultant Jaime Niswonger takes a technology-agnostic look at the “big ideas” integral to platform orchestration for the enterprise. He introduces three popular orchestration platforms, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Cloud Foundry, and discusses scaling container deployments in the enterprise. The video is 60 minutes in duration.