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Braden Niswonger

Apollo Client and GraphQL

Apollo Client: State Management for GraphQL Made Easy

Braden Niswonger Development Technologies, GraphQL, JavaScript, Programming, React Leave a Comment

In this post, we will explore Apollo Client integrated with a React application and how it provides an abstraction layer between a JavaScript application and a GraphQL server. The features Apollo Client offers make it a prime choice for devs also using GraphQL.

We’ll begin by discussing what Apollo Client is and how it can be advantageous over other state management libraries. And finally, we will look at some example React queries for retrieving and mutating data.

Let’s get started.

feature flags diagram

A Quick Look at Feature Flags

Braden Niswonger Development Technologies, Programming 1 Comment

Using feature flags, also known as feature toggles or switches, is a software technique that allows segments of code to be toggled during runtime, without the need for redeploying.

Feature flags can be a powerful tool for teams utilizing continuous integration practices, allowing code to be deployed in a dormant state and enabled later on. At a basic level, they provide the ability to conditionally render or activate features at will.

In the blog, I’ll cover feature flags. We’ll start by discussing why and when we use them, and then we’ll move into an overview of what it looks like to develop with them. Let’s dive in!

React Hooks Form

React Hook Form

Braden Niswonger Development Technologies, React Leave a Comment

In this blog, we will explore React Hook Form, an extremely lightweight and effective form building library using React. This open-source, third-party library has no dependencies and can be integrated with most existing forms or libraries. It provides the ability to subscribe to individual components, limiting the frequency of re-renders and making it more efficient.

Below, we will learn some of the basic usages of React Hook Form, some more in-depth features, and then look at an example form integrated with an existing UI library.

Chatbot with Rasa

Chatting with Rasa: An Intro to Chatbots

Braden Niswonger Development Technologies, Machine Learning, Tutorial Leave a Comment

It seems like a lot of websites these days are equipped with a Chatbot. It’s used for customer service, simple Q/A, and more.

As chatbots have grown in popularity, so have the number of different frameworks that can be used to implement them.

In this blog, we will explore one of these frameworks, Rasa. First, I’ll cover some of the basics of chatbots. Then, I’ll explain how to write a simple Chatbot using Rasa, and we’ll highlight some of its additional functionality as well.

Storybook with React

Storybook with React

Braden Niswonger Development Technologies, JavaScript, React, React Native Leave a Comment

In most React applications, there are many components working closely together to share and pass data between them. This can sometimes make it difficult to test components individually. Maybe you want to see how a component will react when given invalid data, or you want to test your component visually in different states. Storybook gives you a great way to do this in isolation, without worrying about the app-specific dependencies or requirements.

Storybook is an open-source tool for developing user interface components in isolation. In other words, it’s a playground for UI components. In this blog, we will dive into the basics of Storybook, write a Storybook for Material UI’s button component, and look at a couple of its add-ons.