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David Hoffmann

David Hoffmann is a software developer with 4 years of experience. He has had experience in a variety of different industries and tech stacks, with particular expertise surrounding cross-platform mobile development. David’s experience also encompasses JavaScript, React, and Python development. He is a constant learner and continuously works to improve his skills.

Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH extension

Remote Development With Visual Studio Code Remote – SSH

David Hoffmann Dev Methodologies, Development Technologies, Programming, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Does your personal laptop struggle to keep up with your development needs? Maybe your company is looking for alternatives to continually needing to upgrade their developers’ laptops. Maybe a team of developers would benefit from a powerful remote server versus personal computers?

Today, remote development is even more streamlined than ever with the help of products like Visual Studio’s Remote – SSH extension or with Jetbrains Remote Development. In this blog post, I will give a brief overview of Visual Studio’s Remote – SSH extension and share a mini how-to on using it.

Stripe Elements Integration

Getting Started With Stripe Elements Integration

David Hoffmann Development Technologies, JavaScript, React, Tutorial 2 Comments

Recently, I was involved with a project that required the client to collect payments from their customers. This brought up many questions on the best approach to process orders to accomplish this.

We wondered, is a Stripe Elements integration the answer, or can we avoid fees and process payments ourselves? For the vast majority of companies, ourselves included, yes, Stripe is the answer. The complexity of Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance alone makes this a no-brainer. In addition, the development of payment infrastructure is very time-consuming and costly.

In this blog, I will discuss Stripe Elements and its integration and the best way to implement them with React. I will cover basic Stripe information, how to set up a Stripe account, and a brief code overview to help you get on your way to incorporating Stripe…