Designing Digital Product Without User Data

Designing Digital Products Without User Research

Rus Anderson Articles, Consulting, Design, UI/UX Leave a Comment

Often, we are approached by startups and established companies with an idea for a new product. Just as often, there is little to no user base from which to conduct research. In this blog, we’ll look at how to understand the product, its potential users, and how to create the application with minimal user data and investment.

Improving iOS/Android Numeric Keyboards With KeyboardActions

Flutter: Using Keyboard Actions To Improve Mobile User Experience

Ryan LaRue Articles, Design, Development Technologies & Tools, Flutter, Mobile, UI/UX 1 Comment

This post covers three options for customizing an iOS or Android keyboard in a Flutter mobile application, with a code walkthrough of using the Keyboard Actions package to easily add keyboard features that increase user efficiency.

Mobile app developers, have you ever noticed that the native iOS numeric keyboard does not include certain features that might be helpful? For example, a Done button? Or how about arrow buttons to traverse form fields? To jog your memory, here’s what the native iOS numeric keyboard looks like…