Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH extension

Remote Development With Visual Studio Code Remote – SSH

David Hoffmann Dev Methodologies, Development Technologies, Programming, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Does your personal laptop struggle to keep up with your development needs? Maybe your company is looking for alternatives to continually needing to upgrade their developers’ laptops. Maybe a team of developers would benefit from a powerful remote server versus personal computers?

Today, remote development is even more streamlined than ever with the help of products like Visual Studio’s Remote – SSH extension or with Jetbrains Remote Development. In this blog post, I will give a brief overview of Visual Studio’s Remote – SSH extension and share a mini how-to on using it.

Story Point

Story Point Estimation: Could Your Team Do Better?

Rusty Divine Agile, Tutorial Leave a Comment

It can be rough to ask your development team to estimate work based on abstract story point values, especially when they are new to it or to each other. I know this and have experienced this in full.

So in this blog, I am going to share an exercise with you that will give every member of your team the same frame of reference for estimating the size of their work. I call this exercise Story Point Benchmarking.

Getting Started with Azure Data Studio

Todd Horn Azure, Cloud, Databases, Dev Methodologies, Development Technologies, DevOps Leave a Comment

On my last two projects, I decided to give Azure Data Studio a try to see how it measured up to SSMS. Azure Data Studio gives you a more modern editor experience. It’s comparable to Visual Studio Code with IntelliSense, source control with GIT, and an integrated terminal for Powershell or SQLMD commands.

Azure Data Studio was built with a data platform user in mind, and its easy editing and export options, built-in charting of query results, and customizable dashboards make it an incredibly valuable tool.

In this post, I’ll go over some of the basics of how to use Azure Data Studio.

Avoiding Test Driven Development

Avoiding Test-Driven Development?

Ryan LaRue Dev Methodologies, Testing Leave a Comment

Throughout time, there have been certain questions that will always result in great battles. In one recent throw down, I drew my line in the sand and bravely asserted, “Hell no, a hotdog is not a sandwich!”

There are other more dangerous questions that we’ve all heard, of course… is Mac better than PC? Is Android better than iPhone? Are dogs better than cats? That last question is the silliest of all as the correct answer is so very obvious. Regardless, these intriguing questions have often led to disastrous consequences such as sulking and hurt feelings.

Allow me to add another one to the list: Is Test-Driven Development (TDD) a good practice?

I know, provocative. In this blog, I will discuss test-driven development, why many in our field seem to hate it, and why you should choose to still implement some of its main concepts in your development….