OpenShift Quick Start: Build, Deployment and Pipeline

David Pitt Microservices, OpenShift, openshiftseries, Tutorial Leave a Comment

This post is a continuation of our hands-on OpenShift Quick Start blog series.

In the first post we introduced OpenShift & its features. In part two, you worked to get OpenShift running locally & adding a Container with an API service to a Pod. In part three, you worked on scaling pods and managing Cluster with the CLI.

This blog continues that series, introducing the automated Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CICD) features of the OpenShift platform using both the Web Console and the Command Line. A hands-on exercise will then show how a Jenkins build Pipeline can be customized…

Caching Strategy Reminder for Maven-Based Docker Builds

Luke Patterson Docker, Java, Tutorial 14 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.My local development feedback loop between code change and runnable container was annoyingly long on a Maven-based project I was recently working on. I wanted to speed things up. CodeProject The scenario …