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Brice McIver

Brice McIver is a software consultant with Keyhole Software in Leawood, KS. He began his career over 14 years ago in the health care IT industry and has continued to help companies in the insurance, agriculture, transportation, and investment industries modernize their enterprise software applications. Outside of work, he enjoys the time he spends with his daughter and twin boys.

A Better Approach to Merging Files in Git

A Better Approach to Merging Files in Git

Brice McIver Development Technologies, Git Leave a Comment

Git has many features, but it’s likely that you only use a small subset on a daily basis. While git tends to handle things intelligently most of the time, there are situations when doing the most obvious thing doesn’t give git enough information to make informed choices.

In this post, we’ll examine one such scenario – merging files. Through trial and error, I’ll show you the normal approach people take, some of the issues that occur with that approach, and a completely different approach that preserves some data lost in the first approach.

Creating a Slack Bot

Brice McIver Conversational Apps, Development Technologies, JavaScript, Node.js Leave a Comment

If you have ever worked on a team project, then you’ve needed some way to communicate with your team. For a very small team with all of its members based in one place, face-to-face communication might be your go-to method of handling project conversations.

However, once your project size progresses past that point, there’s a good chance that you’ll at least evaluate using a collaborative software package to help manage your project. Slack is a popular option for this.

In this blog, I’ll show the basic steps you can take to integrate Slack with your existing tools and workflows. In particular, we will set up Slack for incoming webhooks and event subscriptions, showing how to program a Slack bot to say personalized “Welcome to the channel” and a “Goodbye” messages.

Let’s get started…

Proof-of-Concept Using Spring Roo

Brice McIver Databases, Development Technologies, Spring 1 Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 11 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.In my time with Keyhole, I’ve been involved in a number of projects where the client was asking us to rewrite a legacy system while retaining their existing database. Sometimes it helps …

A Little HTML5: Using JSON and File API to View Starred Google Reader Posts

Brice McIver HTML5, JavaScript, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 11 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.A couple of months ago, Google announced that it was retiring its web feed reader Google Reader. As a long-time user of the service, I was disappointed. But there are a couple of …