They say necessity is the mother of invention, and the pandemic has given us plenty of need for finding and innovating new ways of functioning.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted most aspects of modern-day work life, perhaps most notably, physical office spaces. Working from home has become the new norm and many offices, including ours, have few if any folks working from their physical locations.
As things begin to reopen, many organizations will ask their staff to slowly transition from home back into the office. As Keyhole embarks on this transitioning process, our goal is to be as safe and responsible as possible.
With almost 100 people on the Keyhole team, we have chosen to limit the number of folks allowed to work from our office at one time to continue to ensure the safety of our employees.
In this post, we discuss how our SMS conversational texting platform, KHS {Convo}, has allowed us to manage our return to the office and how it could benefit your organization as well.