MockOla 2.0 Released

Keyhole Releases MockOla v2.0 With New Features

Keyhole Software Company News, Design, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

Keyhole Labs has announced the release of Version 2.0 of its free UI design tool MockOla, adding features and capabilities that enhance the design process.

MockOla is a free 2D drawing tool that allows users to easily build UI wireframes, free-form designs, and UML diagrams with a simple drag-and-drop editor. MockOla is available online, is free to use, and allows users to easily create custom designs and mockups.

This new version of MockOla includes a new dashboard with an enhanced look and feel, the addition of new palettes and elements, a function to upload and add photos into designs, and the ability to use the tool without creating an account or logging in.

Byzantine Config Accepted Into Hyperledger Labs

Keyhole Software Blockchain, Hyperledger, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

The Keyhole Labs team has announced that the Byzantine Config has been accepted into Hyperledger Labs.

Hyperledger® Labs is a community-based innovation space gathering people who share a common interest in developing blockchain-related software. Entrance into Hyperledger Labs allows Byzantine Config to be further tested, innovated, and used by the wider Hyperledger community.

See the official announcement…

Keyhole Labs Releases KHS {Convo} Under Open Source License

Lauren Fournier Company News, Conversational Apps, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

Keyhole Labs has announced its release of the KHS {Convo} conversational application development platform under an Apache 2.0 open source license. Development teams can now use and modify KHS {Convo} for their own uses (even commercially) using the open source platform.

KHS {Convo} is a Node.js based platform for creating SMS text message and web-based conversational experiences. It was created by our team at Keyhole Labs.

What’s a Conversational Application? A Conversational Application provides a messaging interface for a personalized conversation between your company and a user. The ad hoc interaction is designed to provide hyper-relevant & personalized content via automated SMS text messaging that doesn’t feel automated.

For more information, please visit…

Keyhole Labs Releases Trouble Maker v2.0.0

Lauren Fournier Company News, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

The Keyhole Labs team has announced the release of Trouble Maker v2.0.0.

Trouble Maker is a platform-agnostic tool that randomly takes down services to test stability. It also provides an ad hoc console to produce common troublesome issues in your platform so you can test durability on-demand.

Trouble Maker v2.0.0 introduces specific performance improvements implemented with Spring Boot and Java Websockets. Additionally, the Trouble Maker dashboard user interface has been re-designed, built from the ground up using Angular 2…

Announcing Keyhole Labs

Lauren Fournier Company News, Keyhole, Keyhole Creations Leave a Comment

We are excited to announce the creation of Keyhole Labs to the public.

Keyhole Labs is our very own think tank devoted to creating helpful, innovative software for other developers, both paid and open source.

Translation? Neat software tools and platforms that our developers create for other developers. Technically separate from Keyhole Software, but the “product and innovation” arm. And our stellar developers here at Keyhole Software are the brains of the operation.