Use best practices like SOLID principles when converting legacy code

Legacy Code: Use Best Practices Like SOLID When Converting

Geoffrey Blogref Modernization, Opinion, Programming Leave a Comment

This blog is about converting legacy code better—using architecture already in place, SOLID principles, and best practices.

Generally speaking, not having an architectural plan set up (or not using SOLID principles and best practices) can lead to passing the buck to the next generation of developers. We should all strive to push good code forward to get the latest and greatest out there. Starting with following the patterns in place at your job, or SOLID best practices, will make converting and upkeep way faster in the future.

This post contains a discussion of my experience in various software team environments. Throughout them all, we show that if SOLID patterns and best practices had been followed, then time spent converting code would have been less and code upkeep would have been easier down the line.