Creating a UI Designer for Quick Development

Alok Pandey CSS & HTML, Development Technologies, HTML5 2 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.User interface developers often come across situations that involve creating several web interface dashboards with similar architectures but with different UI controls and backend services serving real-time data. Examples of such Dashboards could be … Guitar Tuner

Zach Gardner HTML5, JavaScript, Keyhole Creations 2 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.The JavaScript library was released on 4/10/2014. The idea behind it is simple yet powerful: make HTML5/JavaScript/CSS web pages perform and feel like native mobile apps. There have been many companies that tried and …

Advanced Debugging Techniques in JavaScript – Part 3

Zach Gardner HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Debugging Series, Tutorial 3 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Overview This is the third part in my series on Advanced Debugging Techniques in JavaScript. Part 1 introduced Validate Your Assumptions, Binary Search, and the debugger statement. Part 2 covered Bottom-Up debugging, …

Advanced Debugging Techniques in JavaScript – Part 2

Zach Gardner Dev Methodologies, HTML5, JavaScript, JavaScript Debugging Series, Programming, Tutorial 5 Comments

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Introduction Writing Part 2 of this series has been really exciting. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from people who’ve read Part 1. This post will be more hands-on than the …

Partitioning SPA Resources and API Implementations in Separate WAR Components

David Pitt HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Opinion Leave a Comment

Attention: The following article was published over 10 years ago, and the information provided may be aged or outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read the post.Single Page Applications are quickly gaining traction as a way to implement rich, robust, and mobile friendly web-based applications. Essentially, this requires a shift in application architecture where the entire application user …