Diving Deeper Into Reporting Tools with Power BI Part 1

Power BI: Diving Deeper into Reporting Tools (Part 1) Connecting Your Data

Caven Andersen Data Management, Development Technologies, PowerBI Leave a Comment

In today’s data-driven world, organizations have access to vast amounts of data, but how exactly do you interpret those millions of rows of data? This is where data visualization comes into play, transforming complex data sets into easily understandable visuals. Data visualization is, without a doubt, one of the most important aspects of Business Intelligence (BI).

In one of my previous blogs, I talked about BI and why it is important for a company to practice and implement this in their workspace. Now, in this blog series, we are going to dive deeper into a data visualization tool called Power BI.

Dockerizing an MSSQL Server (header image)

Dockerizing an MSSQL Server: Unlocking Flexibility

Alex Cassells Databases, Development Technologies, Docker, SQL, Tutorial Leave a Comment

Docker is a pretty magical tool that streamlines server and environment setup while helping to eliminate the operating system and software version variables. It’s one of the best ways to mitigate the classic ‘Works on my machine!’ obstacle many developers run into when sharing or promoting their code.

When a lot of people think of Docker, the last thing they think of is Microsoft or Windows. It took many years for Docker to even officially support Windows. As a .NET developer, I always wanted the stability that Docker offers, and today, I can have it. In the post below, I’ll dive into how to dockerize an MSSQL Server.

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?

Caven Andersen Business Intelligence (BI), Development Technologies, PowerBI, Tableau Leave a Comment

I’m sure you’ve come across the term “Business Intelligence” or “BI” in your workplace or on LinkedIn. It’s remarkable how many people are now embracing the advantages it offers for making better business decisions, making data more accessible and comprehensible, and much more.

One of the primary objectives of BI is to enable companies to make informed, data-driven decisions by following a multi-step process. This process encompasses data collection through ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), data analysis, data visualization, and the subsequent presentation of findings to key decision-makers within the organization. These tasks are accomplished using BI tools and various programming languages, which are employed to access and analyze extensive datasets. The results are then presented in reports that incorporate charts, graphs, maps, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for a detailed overview of the business’s performance.

Sequelize Command Line and Migration

Sequelize ORM: Interacting with databases using Node

James Fielder Databases, Development Technologies, Programming Leave a Comment

Today, we are going to be going over a very useful tool called Sequelize. It is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), which allows us to interact with relational databases using Node.js.

Sequelize supports many different databases, but in this blog, we will be using MySQL. We will go over how to set up a local MySQL instance and a Node.js server using Sequelize to communicate with it.

Along the way, we’ll learn basic Sequelize functionally, such as the command line tool and migrations, to understand how to work with the database…

Transform Pub/Sub to Firestore Database in GCP

Rusty Divine Apache, Cloud, Data Science, Python Leave a Comment

This year, the client I work with has started exploring the offerings in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) after investing years into the Microsoft Azure cloud. The opportunity has allowed me to explore a few new technologies that this post will cover and that you will hopefully find interesting.

In short, I was tasked with transforming Pub/Sub to Firestore Database in GCP. The scenario explored in this post takes an FHIR healthcare data feed, extracts telephone and email information, and then stores that in a Firestore database.